If you'd like to support this cause, you can make simple donations that will help to fund our organization. We are not currently a 501c3, so your donations are not yet tax deductible. However, your donations can help us fund the necessary legal teams to obtain our 501c3 status.
The process is simple, first select your unit of currency - $5.00, $10.00, $25.00, $50.00, $100.00, $250.00, and "other" (i.e. - $1.00). Once your unit is selected, you can specify how many units you'd like to donate. For example, if you wanted to donate $15.00 to our cause, you could order 3 $5.00 units. If you'd like to get creative, select "other" and order as many units as you'd like. Using this method, you can customize your donation down to the dollar in any amount.
Any donations that you can make will be used to further the cause of this group. Specifically, your donations will be used to raise awareness of this cause through email, letters, and ad campaigns.
Additional information
Unit of Currency | 5, 10, 50, 250, 500, Other |